Name Phone * Email ** Specialization
S. Bandyopadhyay 83344 sanjoy Molecular Simulation and Computational Biology
A. Basak 83300 absk Bioorganic Chemistry
M. Bhattacharjee 83302 mxb Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry
K. Biradha 83346 kbiradha Supramolecular Chemistry and Crystal Engineering
P. K. Chattaraj 83304 pkc Density Functional Theory; Quantum Chaos
S. Dasgupta 83306 swagata Protein Chemistry; Structure Analysis
J. K. Dey 83308 joydey Biophysical & Analytical Chemistry
S. Hajra 83340 shajra Synthetic Organic Chemistry
M. Halder 83314 mintu Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Spin Chemistry
M. M. Maiti 83316 ememem Macromolecular Chemistry
D. Mal 83318 dmal Synthetic Organic Chemistry
G. Mani 833** gmani Inorganic Chemistry
S. Mishra 82328 mishra Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
M. D. Milton 83310 mdmilton Organometallic Chemistry
A. Nag 81900 anag Stereospecific,Regioselective synthesis of compounds by enzymes.Isolation,chracterization and application of enzymes and oil derivatives.
S. Nanda 83328 snanda Synthetic Organic Chemistry
T. Pal 83320 tpal Environmental Chemistry and catalysis by nanoparticles
A. (Pathak) Mahanty 83312 ami Synthesis of Nano materials and their characterization techniques.
T. Pathak 83342 tpathak Carbohydrate and nucleoside chemistry
P. Pramanik 83322 pramanik Nanoscience and Technology and Solid State Chemistry
C. R. Raj 83348 crraj Electrochemistry
D. Ray 83324 dray Bioinorganic Chemistry
J. K. Ray 83326 jkray Supramolecular Chemistry
S. Roy 83338 sroy Organometallic chemistry
T. K. Sarkar 83330 tksr Synthetic Organic Chemistry
N. Sarkar 83332 nilmoni Photochemistry and photophysics in organised assemblies
S. K. Srivastava 83334 sunit Solid state chemistry and catalysis
S. Taraphder 83336 srabani Chemical Reaction Dynamics

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