Abstract Submission

Please adhere to the instructions given in the website: http://www.chemistry.iitkgp.ac.in for abstract submission. The abstract should be mailed to nmrs2016@chem.iitkgp.ernet.in


All the participants are requested to follow these guidelines while preparing the abstract of their talk/poster:

  1. The abstract should be submitted as MS-word (doc/docx) file restricted to one page (A4 size).

  2. Use Times New Roman as the fonts with size 12 and line spacing 1.5.

  3. The title should be in bold letters with font size 14.

  4. The name /s of authors should be followed by the address of the institution with E-mail ID of the corresponding author.

  5. Underline the author name who is presenting the paper/poster.

  6. The references (if given) should be at the end of the abstract.

Download abstract template