Welcome to Photophysics and Chemical Dynamics Lab

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Theory Courses:

  1. Chemistry Theory for the B. Tech. 1st year students.

  2. Chemistry Tutorial for the B. Tech. 1st year students.

  3. Reaction Dynamics and Photochemistry for M.Sc. 5th year students.

  4. Chemical Applications of Group Theory for M. Sc. 4th year students.

  5. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis for M.Sc. 4th year students.

  6. Quantum Chemistry-I for M. Sc. 4th year students.

  7. Symmetry, Spectroscopy and Reaction Dynamics for M.Sc. 4th year students.

  8. Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Chemistry & Biology for M.Sc. 5th year students.

  9. Group Theory for Chemist (M.Sc. 4th year students).

Laboratory Courses:

  1. Chemistry Lab. for the B. Tech. 1st year students.

  2. Chemistry Lab. for the M. Sc. 4th and 5th year students.

  3. Physical Chemistry Laboratory for 3rd year Students.


Course offered in Autumn-2017

Course No.: CY41007  Group Theory for Chemists   2-0-0 2  Credits

Symmetry and point groups: Rotation, reflection, improper rotation, inversion, multiplication of symmetry operators; point groups: C1, Ci, Cs, Cn, Cnv, Dn, Dnd, Dnh, Cv, Dh, Td, Oh, and S(n).Reducible matrices, the character, character table of point groups, direct product, reduction of large matrices using character tables, irreducible representation of wave functions, Theorems on irreducible representation and character.

Chemical applications: Molecular vibration and crystal symmetry, IR and Raman spectroscopy, selection rules for IR and Raman spectroscopy, characteristic bond frequencies, spin-orbit coupling. Hybridisation-bonding in organic molecules.

Reference Books:

  1. F. A. Cotton: Chemical Applications of Group Theory
  2. Bishop: Group Theory
  3. Michael Tinkham: Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics
  4. S. C. Rakshit: Symmetry Groups and Chemistry


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