Dr. Sukanta Mandal

Associate Professor


Personal Website
Office: 505, Lab: 511, Tower A, JCG-PCR Science Block, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur-721302, West Bengal, India.


Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur)


Doctoral Study

Dec. 2003 - Jan 2009: IIT Kanpur (Supervisor: Prof. Rabindranath Mukherjee)

Post-Doctoral Research Experience:

  • 2009-2011: Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Tarragona, Spain (Supervisor: Prof. Antoni Llobet)
  • 2011-2013: Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea (Supervisors: Prof. Antoni Llobet, Prof. Shunichi Fukuzumi, Prof. Wonwoo Nam)

Academic Positions Hold:

  • Associate Professor (from 15th February, 2024 to present): Department of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur
  • Assistant Professor Grade I (from 18th February, 2015 to 14th February, 2024): Department of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur
  • Assistant Professor (from 1st December, 2014 to 30th January, 2015): Department of Chemistry, NIT Patna
  • DST-INSPIRE Faculty (from 20th August, 2013 to 31st October, 2014): Department of Chemistry, Assam University, Silchar

Research Statement

The Mother Nature has designed a wide range of metalloenzymes to perform a chemical reaction in a very selective and efficient manner. The study of structural and functional aspects of the metalloenzymes by mimicking their active-site structures with small synthetic model compounds is an interesting area of research. Our research group is focused to develop transition metal coordination compounds which are used in various catalytic reactions having biological and technological importance. The objective is to understand the reaction mechanism of the catalytic processes at the molecular level. The mechanistic investigations are carried out by the combined use of spectroscopy, electrochemistry, kinetic and computational studies. The group is currently involved in the followings research areas:
(1) Synthetic Bioinorganic Model Chemistry
(2) Bioinspired Redox Catalysis Using Transition Metal Complexes
(3) Water Splitting Chemistry Towards Artificial Photosynthesis.


Design & Synthesis of Molecular Catalyst for Water Oxidation Reactions Based on Transition Metals
Client :   ISIRD, SRIC,IIT Kharagpur; Rs. 28,00,000/- (Completed)
Consultant :   Sukanta Mandal (PI)
Co-Consultant(s) :   N.A.

Syntheses, Characterizations and Reactivity Aspects of Metal (III) - Hydroxo Complexes: Biomimetic Model of lipoxygenase-Like Activity
Client :   Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), New Delhi; Rs. 33,90,000/- (Completed))
Consultant :   Sukanta Mandal (PI)
Co-Consultant(s) :   N.A.

Development of Artificial photosystem II: Water Oxidation Catalyst
Client :   DST INSPIRE Faculty Award; Rs. 35,00,000/- (Completed)
Consultant :   Sukanta Mandal (PI)
Co-Consultant(s) :   N.A.

Molecular Ruthenium Catalysts with Designed Ligands for Efficient Water Oxidation Reactions
Client :   Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), INR 12,00,000/- (On going 01/08/2021 - 31/07/24)
Consultant :   Sukanta Mandal (PI)
Co-Consultant(s) :   N.A.

Awards and Recognition

  1) DST-INSPIRE Faculty Award - 2012

  2) Post-doctoral Fellowship (2009-11: SOLAR-H2, Spain; 2011-13: World Class University Fellowship, South Korea)

  3) CSIR (JRF-2003 & SRF-2006)

  4) National Scholarship (Govt. of India) on the basis of B.Sc. results (2001)

  5) Research Scholar's Achievement:

Mr. Animesh Kundu, research scholar under the guidance of Dr. Sukanta Mandal at the Department of Chemistry received the "Prof A. K. Dey Memorial Young Scientist Award" at the International Conference on “Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences (RTCS-2020)” at the 57th Annual Convention of Chemists (December 26-29, 2020) organized by Indian Chemical Society.



  6) Research Scholar's Achievement (Chemistry)

Mr. Animesh Kundu (Roll No: 15CY90J11), Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal is the recipient of Professor B. C. Halder Memorial Award for the presentation (Oral) entitled “Dangling Carboxylic Group Participates in O-O Bond Formation Reaction to Promote Water Oxidation Catalysed by a Ru Complex: An Oxide Relay Pathway” in the 58th Annual Convention of Chemists, 2021 & International Conference on “Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences (RTCS-2021)” organized by the Indian Chemical Society, Kolkata, India during December 21st – 24th, 2021.


Dr. Sukanta Mandal, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur

  7) Research Scholar's Achievement (Chemistry)

Dr. Animesh Kundu was awarded the second position for his presentation of paper entitled "Dangling Carboxylic Group Participates in O-O Bond Formation Reaction to Promote Water Oxidation Catalyzed by a Ru Complex: An Oxide Relay Pathway" as a part of the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Conference in Students’ Research Convention-22 conducted from 4th-6th March, 2022 at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

  8) Research Scholar's Achievement: Poster Award at MTIC Conference

Ms. Sreeja Dasgupta (Roll No. 20CY91R22), a research scholar under the supervision of Prof. Sukanta Mandal, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, has been awarded the poster prize by Dalton Transactions for her presentation titled “Molecular Engineering of Ruthenium Water Oxidation Catalysts: From Redox-Non-Innocent Effect of Ligands to Secondary Coordination Sphere Modulation.” This recognition was conferred during the 21st Edition of Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry (MTIC-XXI), held at IIT Kharagpur from 14th to 17th December 2024.

Courses Taught

   Inorganic Chemistry I (CY20105)

  Inorganic Chemistry II (CY20106)

  Chemistry (CY11001)

  Chemistry Lab (CY19001)

  Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (CY49001)

  Inorganic Chemistry: Principle, Structure & Reactivity (CY41005)

  Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory I (CY29002)

  Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory II (CY39004)


No Patents Added Yet!

Research Area

1) Research Statement
Download Research File

Mother Nature has designed a wide range of metalloenzymes to perform chemical reactions selectively and efficiently. The study of structural and functional aspects of metalloenzymes by mimicking their active-site structures with small synthetic model compounds is an exciting area of research. Our research group focuses on developing advanced catalysts based on transition metal ions for various catalytic reactions of biological and technological importance. Our studies aim to understand the reaction mechanism of the catalytic processes at the molecular level. The mechanistic investigations are followed using combined spectroscopy, electrochemistry, kinetics, and computational studies. The group is currently involved in the followings research areas:
(1) Synthetic Bioinorganic Model Chemistry
(2) Bioinspired Redox Catalysis Using Transition Metal Complexes
(3) Water Splitting Chemistry Towards Artificial Photosynthesis.

Group Members

  Ayyan Ghosh (Ph.D.)
Topic: Water oxidation catalysis
Email: ayyan.ghosh98@gmail.com

  Manisha (BS 2023-24, MS 2024-25)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry
Email: srmanisha46@gmail.com

  Mofijul Molla (Ph.D.)
Topic: Bio-inspired Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis
Email: mofijul.molla2014@gmail.com

  Sreeja Dasgupta (Ph.D.)
Topic: Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry: Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis
Email: ajeers96@gmail.com

  Suman Saurabh Singh (MS 2024-25)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis
Email: singh.saurabh2507@gmail.com

Group Alumni

  Aritra Saha (Summer Internship from NIT Silchar)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis (20/05/2024 - 04/07/2024)
Email: aritrasaha20182018@gmail.com

  Arnab Halder (Summer Student, from IIT Kanpur)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry (15-05-2023 - 30-06-2023)
Email: ahalder22@iitk.ac.in

  Ayyan Ghosh (MS: 2020-21)
Topic: Water Oxidation Catalysis
Email: ayyan.ghosh98@gmail.com

  Dharmendra Kumar (MS 2023-24)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry
Email: dharmendra121199@gmail.com

  Dr. Animesh Kundu (Ph.D.) Next position: Assistant Professor at Institute of Engineering and Management (IEM) Kolkata
Topic: Synthetic Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis (2015 - 2021)
Email: kundu.animesh92@gmail.com

  Dr. Nirmalya Podder (Ph.D.) Next position: Jr. Research Scientist in Analytical Department Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Mumbai
Topic: Bio-inspired Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis (2015-2022)
Email: nirmaiya9804@gmail.com

  Dr. Suman Kumar Dey (PDF)
Topic: Water Oxidation Catalysis (17CYPD201, 3/2018-3/2020)
Email: vu.suman@gmail.com

  Mr. Adil Panwar (MS: 2018-19)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry (14CY20004)
Email: panwaradil@gmail.com

  Mr. Bhrugumalla Sreeram Praneeth (MS: 2016-17)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry (12CY20009)
Email: unknown@xxx.com

  Mr. Chiranjit Dutta (MS: 2016-17)
Topic: Water Oxidation Catalysis (15CY40012)
Email: unknown@xxx.com

  Mr. Krishnendu Maji (MS: 2017-18)
Topic: Bioinspired Coordination Chemistry (16CY40019)
Email: krishnendumaji1111@gmail.com

  Mr. Mofijul Molla (MS: 2015-16)
Topic: Bio-inspired Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis (14CY40027)
Email: mofijul.molla2014@gmail.com

  Mr. Mohan Lal (MS: 2019-20)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry (15CY20019)
Email: mohanjakhar27@gmail.com

  Mr. Rahul Naskar (MS: 2015-16)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry (14CY40029)
Email: unknown@xxx.com

  Mr. Sagar Bag (MS: 2018-19) Next position: PhD at IISER Kolkata
Topic: Coordination Chemistry (17CY40032)
Email: sagarbag37@gmail.com

  Mr. Saswata Karan (MS: 2020-21)
Topic: Bioinspired Coordination Chemistry
Email: karansaswata99@gmail.com

  Mr. Subhajit Chakraborty (MS: 2019-20) Next position: PhD at JNCASR
Topic: Water Oxidation Catalysis (18CY40032)
Email: subhajitchakraborty222@gmail.com

  Ms. Srimoyee Khan (MS: 2017-18) Next position: ONGC
Topic: Water Oxidation Catalysis (16CY40037)
Email: mail2srimoyee.khan@gmail.com

  Rajib Samanta (Summer Student, from NIT Rourkela)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry (01-05-2019 - 30-06-2019)
Email: samantarajib.1998@gmail.com

  Rajkumar Bunkar (MS 2022-23)
Topic: Bio-inspired coordination chemistry (18CY20025)
Email: unknown@xxx

  Rishabh Maurya (MS 2022-23)
Topic: Water oxidation catalysis (21CY40036)
Email: unknown@xxx

  Shivam Sehgal (Summer Student, from IIT Kharagpur)
Topic: Water Oxidation Catalysis (15-05-2022 - 30-06-2022)
Email: sehgalshivam720@gmail.com

  Sourav Mandal (Summer+MS 2023-24)
Topic: Water Oxidation Catalysis
Email: sm0860019@gmail.com

  Subash Chandra Bose M (Summer Student, from IIT Kharagpur)
Topic: Water Oxidation Catalysis (26-05-2023 - 25-07-2023)
Email: subash3112@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in

  Subham Sarkar (MS 2021-22) Next position: PhD at Texas A&M University, USA
Topic: O2 reduction chemistry catalyzed by Cu(II) complexes
Email: sarkarsubhu98@gmail.com

  Tamanna Pradhan (Winter Internship from IIT Kgp)
Topic: Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis (01-12-2023 to 31-01-2024)
Email: tamannapradhan9@gmail.com

  Vasantkumar (MS 2021-22)
Topic: Bio-inspired coordination chemistry
Email: vasantkumar245@gmail.com